Beach Activities

Sunday Races
Every Sunday at 2:00 PM during the summer, our National Anthem is played at Main Beach. This is the signal for members to walk down to the pool area for Sunday Races.
This activity consists of events for different age groups. We have a kickboard event for 7-year-olds and under, and other children who choose to use a kickboard. The other swimming events are freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly. The age groups are 8 and under, 9 & 10, and 11 & over. There are separate events for boys and girls, except when events do not have enough participants. Each week, there is a mystery event for each age group. All events are 25 yards in length.
Trophies are awarded on Labor Day for each event. Trophies are given for Best Time and Most Points, with participation certificates handed out to all those who participate for at least 5 Sundays out of the summer. Sunday Races are not just for Swim Team members, but for any member swimmer wishing to participate!
Arts & Crafts
The summer Arts and Crafts program is implemented by our beach staff. The program is broken up into groups based on age.
There is a $5 fee per child ($10 max per family), due by July 4. Sign up at the Main Beach Shack with your payment.

Daily Activities
During the summer, there are many different activities scheduled for kids and adults alike in Fayson Lakes! The Daily Activities, Special Events, and Beach Tournament schedules will be published here prior to the start of summer.
This schedule and special announcements will also be posted at the Main Beach Shack and Sabey's Beach.
Swimming Lessons
The Fayson Lakes Association offers swim lessons to its members at no charge, as we place the utmost importance on water safety! Children will be placed in the appropriate class according to their ability. The swim lessons run Tues/Thurs or Wed/Fri mornings. We also offer Saturday morning swim lessons for families who cannot take advantage of the weekday lessons.
You can sign-up at the Main Beach Shack. Please speak with the Beach Director to set up alternate swim lesson times, if none of the above times meet your schedule.