Badges must be worn at all times while on Fayson property.
All guests must be accompanied by the resident member when using our facilities.
If you are not wearing your badge, you may be challenged by another Fayson member or a Beach Patrol volunteer.
If you see someone not wearing a badge, you are encouraged to politely ask them for their badge.

Detailed rules pertaining to registration, usage, and storage of boats and other vessels on Fayson Lakes Association property are provided here.

There is no camping permitted anywhere on Fayson Lakes Association property.
This includes our beaches, trails, and wooded areas.

Please do not park vehicles on the dams or block dam gates.
Do not move, remove, and/or throw rocks from the dam into lakes.
No boats or other objects may be stored or otherwise left on or directly around dams.

Please be reminded that Association by-laws state: "All pets or animals will be restricted from beaches and recreational areas." The members of the Board are committed to upholding this general rule in our by-laws.
Dogs are not permitted on either Main Beach or Sabey's Beach - even when the beach is closed. If you are walking your dogs through either beach area, they must remain on-leash and kept off the sand.
There are boat launch areas on all three of our lakes where dogs can enter the water to swim, and we have acres of wooded property for them to enjoy. We fully encourage you to utilize these areas to exercise your dogs.
As not everyone is a dog lover, we ask that you be considerate of others when walking your dog. All dogs should be on leash when walking through our streets.
Please do not allow your dog access to private property or gardens. DOG WASTE MUST BE PICKED UP AND BROUGHT HOME WITH YOU. Please do not deposit dog waste in someone else's garbage can or in the beach dumpsters, which do not get picked up during the off-season.

Please obey all speed limits and use particular caution while driving near the Clubhouse, Sabey's Beach, and Ladybug Park.
The gate between the main and staff parking lots at Main Beach will be locked when the beach is closed to prevent through traffic and speeding.

According to our by-laws, only children under the age of 14 and seniors/handicapped with special permission may fish from our docks or shores.
All other fishing must be done from a registered boat with occupants visibly displaying appropriate member and guest badges.
If you see someone fishing from our docks or shores, you are encouraged to politely ask them for their badge and remind them of the rules, when appropriate.
If they are not a member, politely ask them to leave as they are trespassing on private property.

Trash receptacles are located at both Main Beach and Sabey's Beach during summer months only. As the Association does not have trash pick-up in the off-season, these receptacles are closed after Labor Day weekend.
Clubhouse dumpsters should also not be used in the off-season, as we don't have regular pick-up during that time.
Please help to keep our property clean by bringing all trash home with you in the off-season.

Guardian Strip
The Guardian Strip is an approximately 20-25-foot-wide strip of land bordering most of the West, East, and South Lakes.
The Fayson Lakes Association (and Fayson Lakes Community, Inc.) owns the Guardian Strip around West and East Lakes, and the Fayson Lakes Water Company owns the Guardian Strip around South Lake with easement to Fayson Lakes Association for use of the Guardian Strip.
In most cases, ‘lakefront’ property owners do not own the property immediately adjacent to the lakes.
​​Based on this ownership/easement, the Fayson Lakes Association By-laws restrict alterations to the Guardian Strip.
Modifications to the Guardian Strip cannot be made without prior written approval from the Fayson Lakes Association Board.
Modifications to Fayson Lakes Association property made without the written approval of the Fayson Lakes Association Board may need to be reverted, at the expense of the initiating resident, at the discretion of the Fayson Lakes Association Board.
In general, no docks, retaining walls, or personal beaches are allowed on the Guardian Strip, and the Guardian Strip must not be blocked off by any debris, fencing or planting.
Refer to the Guardian Strip FAQs for more detailed information on the rules related to the Guardian Strip.
What is the Guardian Strip and who owns/controls it?
The Guardian Strip is an approximately 20-25-foot-wide strip of land bordering most of the West, East, and South Lakes.
The Fayson Lakes Association controls the Guardian Strip around all three lakes (West, East and South).
The Fayson Lakes Association (and Fayson Lakes Community, Inc.) owns the Guardian Strip around West and East Lakes, and the Fayson Lakes Water Company owns the Guardian Strip around South Lake with easement to Fayson Lakes Association for use of the Guardian Strip; therefore, the Fayson Lakes Association By-laws apply to the Guardian Strip. In most cases, ‘lakefront’ property owners do not own the property immediately adjacent to the lakes.
Who can access the Guardian Strip?
Fayson Lakes Members in good standing are allowed access to the Guardian Strip. The intent is to ensure access to the lake for the Fayson Lakes Association and all members, without constraint imposed by the private property adjacent to the Guardian Strip (‘lakefront’ property).
Can changes be made to the Guardian Strip?
Only with Fayson Lakes Association Board written approval. Activities/modifications within the Guardian Strip are subject to Fayson Lakes Association By-laws and NJ regulations.
How can proposals for modifications to the Guardian Strip be submitted?
Information should be submitted via the form on the Fayson Lakes website Guardian Strip Modification Request Form or a hard copy can be submitted to the Fayson Lakes Business Office. The Fayson Lakes Association Board evaluates all proposals based on Fayson Lakes By-laws and NJ regulations. All final decisions are made by majority vote of the Fayson Lakes Association Board (one individual Fayson Lakes Association Trustee may not approve/deny proposals).
What are the Fayson Lakes By-laws that apply to the Guardian Strip?
The FLA By-Laws (as of December 2023):
1) Control of the guardian strip on all lakes rests solely with the Fayson Lakes Association.
2) No alterations may be made to the strip without written approval from the Board of
Trustees or their assigned committee. Such alterations include, but are not limited to, tree removal, fence installation, landscaping, and other erosion control activities. [Amended 2022 Annual Meeting]
3)Boats may be moored or tied to the guardian strip with the permission of the property owner adjacent to the strip.
4)Docks, retaining walls, or other structures on the guardian strip or in the water are specifically prohibited.
What are the NJ Regulations that apply to the Guardian Strip?
The lakes (and buffer zones surrounding the lakes) are regulated by the following NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) regulations: NJDEP Freshwater Wetlands Rules at NJAC 7:7A and NJDEP Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act Guidance
In general, the type of activities that are prohibited or require a permit from the NJDEP include:
1) Removal, excavation, disturbance or dredging of material.
2) Drainage or disturbance of the water level.
3) Modification of the existing vegetation, values or functions of the wetland.
4) Dumping, discharging or filling with any materials.
5) Building/adding structures (such as, driving of pilings; placing of obstructions, including depositing, constructing, installing or otherwise situating any obstacle which will affect the values or functions of a freshwater wetland).
6) Activities that increase impervious land over a certain amount of area.
Is tree removal from Guardian Strip allowed?
1) Proposed tree removal on FLA property (including, but not limited to, the Guardian Strip) requires a Fayson Lakes Association Board vote to ascertain approval/denial (i.e., an individual FLA Trustee may not approve/deny).
2) The removal of any trees on Fayson Lakes Association Property without approval from the Fayson Lakes Association Board, and without a valid permit from the Borough of Kinnelon, may subject the person removing the tree to financial penalties, as well as expenses to purchase and install replacement trees, as described by sections § 186-13 and § 186-14 of the Tree Removal Ordinance of the Borough of Kinnelon: https://ecode360.com/10290482.
All requests to make changes to the guardian strip, including tree removal, must be submitted to the Board of Trustees using this Guardian Strip Request Form.

Hunting is not permitted on FLA property.
Our trails are used by members of all ages, and their safety is our top priority.

Open Fires
Open fires are not permitted on FLA property.
This includes our beaches, trails, on boats, and in other common areas.
As we live in a heavily wooded environment, we have zero-tolerance t the risks of a wildfire event.

Detailed rules pertaining to usage of the Ladybug Park playground and sports court are provided here.

Sabey's Gates
In an effort to discourage loitering and vandalism, all three gates at Sabey's Beach should remain closed and locked.
Members entering and leaving through these gates are required to close and lock them immediately after passing through.
Combinations can be obtained from any of the Trustees or the Business Office.

Skateboarding is not permitted on FLA property, with the exception of the dam roads and Ladybug Park sports court.

Wood Harvesting
Members may "harvest" wood from dead or fallen trees located on Association property.
Board approval is required for the cutting of a standing tree, which should only occur when it is obvious that the tree has been damaged beyond recovery; typically, in spring or summer. If the tree is determined to be dead, it will be tagged for removal.
No trees may be removed from the Guardian Strip without approval from the Board.
Association members (wearing current badges) may:
Collect the equivalent of one cord of ground wood; i.e., fallen limbs and branches.
Operate chainsaws to cut ground wood to a transportable size.
Challenge anyone in the process of cutting a standing tree (even if that person is wearing a current membership badge).

Yard Waste
Please do not deposit yard waste on Association or rock lot properties.
Please also instruct your landscape contractors that dumping is not permitted on FLA property.
If you own a home on the water, please do not blow your leaves or other debris into the lake, and do not permit your landscape contractors to do the same.
The Association reserves the right to obtain monetary reimbursement from property owners for costs incurred by the Association to remove debris deposited in these areas.