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Ice Safety

Image by Jenny Salita

While Fayson Lakes is best known for its summer activities, the winter season does have its perks as well.  When the weather gets cold enough and the lakes have sufficiently frozen, Association members are permitted to use them to enjoy skating with friends and family, playing hockey, and ice fishing!


To ensure a fun and safe winter skating season on our lakes, please review the information below and observe all rules.


If you have any questions, please contact our Ice Safety Trustee.



A member of the Board of Trustees - or a volunteer who has been approved by the Board - is responsible for periodically checking the ice, which is deemed reasonably "safe" for use at 4 inches of uniform thickness.  However, please note that ANY TIME THAT YOU GO OUT ON THE ICE, IT IS ALWAYS AT YOUR OWN RISK!


When the ice is deemed acceptable for use by members, a flag will be flown on each lake.  The flag is white with a solid red circle.  Skating on a lake is permitted ONLY AFTER the ice on that lake has been tested and the flag is flying for that lake.


It is also important to recognize that just because one lake has a flag flying to indicate that skating is permitted, this does not automatically apply to the other lakes as well.  Each lake has its own flag, so please make sure that the flag is out for the lake on which you are planning to skate before you venture out on the ice. ​​


Flag Locations
  • East Lake

    • Intersection of Lagoon Trail and Cabot Lane

  • South Lake

    • South Lake boat launch where Lakeside Trail joins Dam Road

  • West Lake

    • Main Beach

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Ice Safety Equipment

Ice safety equipment includes ring buoys and safety lines.  This equipment can be found at the following locations:


  • East Lake

    • Flagpole at the intersection of Lagoon Trail and Cabot Lane

    • Boat Launch area at the intersection of Lakeside Trail and Twin Lakes Drive

  • South Lake

    • Near the flagpole at the South Lake boat launch area where Lakeside Trail joins Dam Road

    • On shore at the end of Edgemere Terrace

    • On the back of the Walshes' house at 65 Lakeside Trail

  • West Lake

    • Near the flagpole on Main Beach

    • On the back of the Kellners' house at 15 Waters Edge


Ice Rescue Procedures

  • If someone falls through the ice, DO NOT attempt a close-contact rescue.

  • Use a nearby rowboat to get closer to the person or slide a ring buoy, pole, or ladder to the person.

  • Instruct the person to hang on to the device and slowly wiggle out of the water onto the solid ice.

  • Upon rescue, the person must immediately be taken indoors and treated for cold exposure due to loss of body heat.

  • Call for an ambulance.


Doggie Pond

Skating on Doggie Pond is NEVER permitted.


Night Skating

Skating at night is NOT permitted unless an approved event has been approved by the Board of Trustees and is supervised by adult Association members.


Ice Fishing

Use the same precautions as for ice skating or walking on ice.  Ice fishing should not occur in areas used for skating.  Holes dug into the ice should be clearly marked.


Snowmobiling Prohibited

Snowmobiling is strictly prohibited on any lake at any time.


Open Water

The red ball flag may still be flown for a lake when limited areas of open water (inlets and overflow areas such as the dam culverts) exist.  When possible, red paint, wooden markers, or other similar items will delineate such areas.​  IMPORTANT: DO NOT WALK OR SKATE WITHIN 30 FEET OF OPEN WATER. 



Anyone skating, ice fishing, or walking on the ice is required to visibly wear a current FLA member or guest badge.

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