Membership Meetings / Proxies
For the benefit of our Fayson Lakes Association members, we hold two membership meetings each year - the first is held on the 3rd Saturday in March; the second is on the 3rd Saturday in September (also referred to as our "Annual Meeting"). Prior to each meeting, you will receive a proxy card officially notifying you of the meeting date, time and place.
We encourage our members to attend the membership meetings. They are a forum where issues affecting our Association can be brought forth, discussed, and hopefully resolved to the satisfaction of the majority of our members.
If you cannot attend a meeting, please sign and send in your proxy card. This is very important as we need a quorum of 25% of our paid membership to open a membership meeting. When you send in a signed proxy card, you are assigning to the Board (or someone you designate) the power of substitution to cast your vote on such matters as may properly come before the meeting.
The proxy card for the March meeting includes a summary of the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Details of the budget are presented at the meeting. The proxy card for the September meeting includes the roster of new Trustees nominated for membership approval. Other proposals are presented for membership vote as needed.
For each proposal listed on a proxy card, you will see the following options:
Yes No Abstain
You would select Yes or No if you want to vote For or Against a proposal. An Abstain vote is to take no position on the outcome of a proposal; it is counted only for quorum purposes. If you do not select an option and instead leave a proposal blank, an officer of the Board will cast a vote for you.
Meeting minutes and other materials are published HERE (requires member login).
If you do not already have a copy of the Association By-Laws, please feel free to stop by the office to pick one up. You can also view a PDF version of the By-Laws by clicking on the following icon:

Fayson Lakes Association By-Laws
2024 March Meeting - Notice and Proxy Form:

2024 March Meeting Notice

Proxy Form (2024 March Meeting)