Ladybug Park
The Fayson Lakes Association provides access to a children's playground and fenced sports court that may be used by dues-paying members and their guests.
We appreciate your consideration with helping to keep our park areas safe by reviewing and observing the below rules and safety procedures.​


Ladybug Park Hours:
7:00 AM - Sunset
Park usage is reserved for FLA Members and Guests.
Please be respectful of park neighbors. Playground and sports court grounds must be vacated at sunset, and visitors must abide by the Borough of Kinnelon noise ordinance.
Usage of baseballs, softballs, lacrosse balls, ice hockey/training pucks, and any similarly weighted, non-hollow equipment that risks damage to adjacent property is not permitted.
Personal belongings (toys/equipment) must be removed when not in use, or are subject to disposal at the discretion of the Board.
Larger sports equipment may remain, with prior written permission from the Board of Trustees, for shared community usage.
Skate ramps and other structures are prohibited.
Waste must be deposited in park litter baskets (when available) or taken home for disposal.
Climbing on park fences and gates is prohibited.
No Smoking, Alcohol, or Glass Containers permitted in sports court or on park grounds.
​Please contact the Kinnelon Police Department at (973) 838-5400 to report any ordinance violations, trespassing, suspected criminal behavior, or immediate safety issues.
Have Fun, Stay Safe, Make Memories!